Thursday, March 22, 2012


Ground Pork
Ground Beef
Not Always As Advertised
Have you ever gone to a store that has an advertised special and had to hunt for that item? We shopped at this chain store in town that I don't usually shop at but they had some items on my list that were on sale. I like the appearance of the store and employees but we pay a higher price for everything. This particular store had produce and meat on sale that I use. We found everything but two meat items. We asked about one and got them but the other was ground beef 80/20 and we had to search for it. We found the sign and it noted that it had to be 3 pounds or more. The only packages marked with 80/20 were 1 pound packages so we picked up 3 packages and headed for the checkout. At the register the price of the meat was regular price so I asked if that was the one on sale. With a delay and customers lined up behind us we got the ground beef packages remarked and out the door. Everyone was inconvenienced.

I blame myself because I wasn't bold enough to ask before I went to the checkout. If in doubt, ask. Make sure your purchases are what is advertised before you reach the checkout.  The checkout doesn't know and it is rude to expect them to.

I wondered how many times that had happened and I realized that if I ever shopped at that store or any other again I would have to be alert and watch everything carefully. Reading the ads and the store signs very carefully. 


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