Monday, March 26, 2012

Christian Family

Golden Age Banquet
I am thankful for the creative ways our young people honor the elderly in our local congregation.
My husband and I were invited to a Golden Age Banquet last Friday evening. The honored guests were 55 and older. Young people, married couples, and their children prepared and served food to us on tables decorated with tablecloths and settings of silverware.

They took our menu sheets and served us our soup, salad, meat, vegetables and desserts as well as our drinks and refilling them when needed. We had a choice of two soups, a salad, 4 entrees, and 4 desserts. It was hard to choose and everything was so good!

How great it is to be honored and treated special. It doesn't take much to show gratitude to fellow Christians in this fast-paced world. We had an opportunity to visit and share.

After the meal and clean up everyone who wanted to stay and play Texas 42  dominoes for those who like some competition or Chicken Foot for those who just like to play games. It was a great evening and so much fun.

chicken foot
Chicken Foot Dominoes without the chicken

In the near future an addition to my blog of Biblical women. There is no way to include every woman in the Bible but those who are good or bad examples to Christian women. With Mother's Day coming up in May, I thought it was fitting to start these postings.
I hope you will continue to watch this blog. Have a Great Day!

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

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