Monday, April 16, 2012

Life At Our House

View out our back door in Nebraska. This was a small snow.
Winter of 2010

As I've shared in previous posts , we sold our home  in Nebraska and moved closer to our sons in  Oklahoma and Texas last summer.

We like the weather in Texas better than Nebraska, the winter here was a pleasant change from the snowdrifts and cold we have had in the past. We live in a great neighborhood, and our church congregation is a wonderful part of our life here.

We are enjoying being part of a church family and our physical family. We were included in our son and daughter-in-law's family gathering over the past weekend, watching the parents and their young girls hunt for plastic filled eggs and the excitement in their pretty spring outfits.

I have just recently signed up as a volunteer for the local hospital and their auxiliary resale shop, so I can spend some time meeting people in the community. I am finding this volunteer avenue has been a great way to learn about the wonderful people of this community who have made a difference in the city.

 Patio tomato, green pole beans, among other plants in this pot.
Our garden taken a few weeks ago. Today it is fuller .

My container gardens have already produced green peppers, green onions, spinach, leaf lettuce and radishes for our table. I have planted strawberries too. I bought 10 plants and 5 survived. They are growing but I'm dealing with bugs and have not found a safe bug repellent yet. The garden pictured above now  looks lush and full and has little tomatoes, the green beans are getting bushy and the green peppers are blooming. Cucumbers are too have bushy vines.
We are looking forward to fresh vegetables from the plants that are growing in our yard. Looking at a package of seeds and thinking about how much food each seed could produce reminds me of the parable Jesus related to the disciples of the sower and the seed.
The seed is the word of God and the field is the world. The parables are in Matthew 13:3-30 and Luke 8:11-15. Jesus explains to his disciples that some seed falls on the roadside and the birds come and eat it up. Some falls on rocky places where there is not much soil and the roots did not have depth in the soil and are scorched by the sun. Others are among thorns and are choked out and others fell on good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. Jesus then explains examples of the hearers in each of these examples and their reception and retention of the word. As Christians we are to sow that seed and hope that the soil is good and will yield fruit.

There are numerous butterflys and it may be because of the plentiful rains and the many flowers and foliage. The wildflowers this year are just breathtaking. One type goes to seed and a new type provide color for the fields.
This bush is full of blooming flowers at this posting.

We are mindful at this time of the areas in our country that have been affected by the tornadoes and storms. May everyone stay alert and keep current of weather conditions in their own area. 

As I close this post and think about other posts that I would like to do my prayer is that my followers are blessed with good health, many friends and loved ones around you. Let me hear from you. May the Lord bless you and may you always stay faithful to the word as we all look forward to the home in heaven at the end of time.

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